Hello Bumi Pancasona Sport Club Friends!
We're excited to announce a special class: Zedfit Merdeka Dance! 🎉
Save the date!
📅 Sun, 18th August 2024
📍 The Hive - Bumi Pancasona Sports Club
🕒 7 AM WIB
Celebrate Indonesia Independent day with us and join this fun, energetic Zedfit Dance class. It's a great way to stay fit and have a blast with Bumi Pancasona Sport Club!
Register Now for FREE!
🔗 Registration Link: https://bit.ly/RegistMerdekaDance
Don't miss out on this special event. See you there!
For more information, contact us at
Whatsapp : 📞+6285316006979
Instagram : @bumipancasona